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Hall of fame - Design & Tests 1 (DP1) Best Projects

Welcome to the hall of fame (showcase of the best projects) from the Design & Tests 1 (DP1) course. Each year, our students demonstrate creativity, technical skills, and teamwork by developing exceptional online playable versions of board games. Below are the top projects selected from each academic year.

Academic Year 2022-2023

Project: Tyrants of the Underdark

Description: Tyrants of the Underdark is a competitive game for 2-4 players that immerses you in the stories of Dungeons and Dragons. Who will be able to control the depths of the Underdark?.

To achieve this, we have four of the most important clans in the region. Each player will represent one of these clans, with the goal of creating the most optimal deck to become more efficient during their turn and take control of the map. There will be a common market from which everyone can buy cards using influence points. Be the first to get the best ones. Use power points to perform basic actions. Trade 1 power to deploy a troop, 3 to return an enemy spy, and 3 to eliminate an enemy troop.


Each card contains between 1 and several of the following actions:

  • Resource action (actions that grant resources during your turn. For example: gain +2 Influence, gain +1 Power)
  • Immediate action (actions that produce an immediate effect when played. For example: assassinate 1 troop, replace a white troop)
  • End-of-turn actions (actions that are resolved at the end of the active player's turn. For example: at the end of the turn, promote a card played)
  • Complex actions (a complex action consists of several of the aforementioned actions or even multiple complex ones. We have 3 types: CHOOSE (choose one of several options), THEN (if you perform the first action, you can then do the second), and ALL (play all the actions)).


Control cities to earn victory points. Conquer capitals to gain resources and additional victory points during the course of the rounds.

Spies play a key role in players' strategies. Launch raids in areas of the map that your troops can never reach. Your troops will have presence in the location where they are and in adjacent areas, allowing you to deploy troops or assassinate enemy troops, among other things. However, spies can be deployed anywhere on the map (except on roads — only in cities), and they will only grant you presence in that specific city, not in adjacent ones.


Play your cards in the most optimal way, create your own strategy, buy the best cards to carry out your plan, control as many locations as possible, and don’t let anyone stand in your way. Don't forget about your inner circle, promote cards to gain a greater victory point bonus during the final card count at the end of the game.


The endgame conditions are one of the following: all of a player's troops have been deployed (40 troops) or the market deck has been depleted. Once one of these conditions is met, the game round will finish, ensuring that all players have taken the same number of turns, and then victory points will be counted. You can earn victory points in the following ways:

  • VP value of each location you control
  • 2 VP for each location under total control
  • 1 VP for each troop in your trophy hall (assassinated enemy troops)
  • VP value of each card in your deck, hand, and discard pile
  • VP value of cards in your inner circle (promoted cards)
  • VP tokens obtained during the game


The player with the most victory points will be the winner, and thus, the clan with the most power in the Underdark. Will you be able to face the risks that come with it, or will you fall into the darkness of the depths?


  • Javier Fernández Castillo
  • Manuel Otero Barbasán
  • Andrés Domínguez Ruiz
  • Javier García Aguilar
  • David del Hoyo Carcaboso
  • David Zarandieta Ortiz

Implemented Board Game:

  • Tyrants of the Underdark


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Screencast playing the game:

GitHub Repository: GitHub - Tyrants of the Underdark

Project: Monopoly

Description: Monopoly In this game, the goal is to accumulate more money and influence on the board than the rest of the players, until they go bankrupt, at which point they will be out of the game.

To achieve this, players will move around the board and, using their own money, will buy, sell, and auction off the streets that make up the board.


The way to earn more money will be through those same streets, which will force any non-owning player who lands on them to pay the owner a certain amount indicated on the property card.


The streets are grouped by color, usually 2 or 3 streets per group, and as you progress on the board, the purchase price increases, but so does the rent for landing on them, making certain streets more desirable than others.

As the game progresses, houses and hotels will be built when a player owns a complete set of streets of the same color, increasing the amount other players must pay the owner. Once a player is unable to pay due to not having enough money, they will be considered bankrupt and must leave the game, returning all their remaining properties to the bank, a non-player entity.


There are also other ways to gain and lose money on the board, such as Chance and Community Chest spaces, which have random effects each time a player lands on them. These effects can include paying other players, receiving money, or even automatically and freely getting out of jail. Additionally, there are Tax spaces, which force the player to pay a certain amount of money to the bank simply for landing on them.


In addition, there are special spaces, such as Jail, which requires players who land there to stay put for up to 3 turns. There is also the Go space, which grants players 200M just for passing by, and the Free Parking space, which has no effect and landing on it is completely neutral.

The game is designed for 2 to 6 players, and the game ends when there is only one player who is not bankrupt, who will be considered the winner. Games have a variable duration, averaging around 2 hours, but they can extend up to 4 hours or even more.


  • Úrsula Garrucho Sánchez
  • María Márquez Soldán
  • Juan Carlos Morato Navarro
  • Olegario Morato Navarro
  • Miguel Ángel Roldán García
  • Álvaro Urquijo Martínez

Implemented Board Game:

  • Monopoly


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Screencast playing the game:

GitHub Repository: GitHub - Monopoly

Academic Year 2021-2022

Project: King of Tokyo

Description: King of Tokyo is a game for 2 to 6 players, with an average game length of 30 minutes, in which all players compete against each other to determine who will become the King of Tokyo.

This title is claimed by the first player to reach 20 points or by the last player standing. The game consists of individual turns for each player, during which they can roll the dice up to three times. With these rolls, players can attack others, heal themselves, earn points towards victory, and gain energy to purchase cards that trigger various effects.

Additionally, on the board, there is a zone where players compete, gaining both advantages and disadvantages in their quest to accumulate the highest score.


  • Cruz Duárez, Sara
  • Delgado Sánchez, José María
  • López Durán, Noelia
  • Molina Arregui, Rosa María
  • Nadal García, Ricardo
  • Varela Soult, Carlos

Implemented Board Game:

  • King of Tokyo

Screenshots: Portada King_of_Tokyo Screenshot 2 Gameplay

Screencast playing the game:

GitHub Repository: King of tokyo

Please use Jdk v11 to run this game, otherwise you will get some errors.

Each of these projects reflects the hard work and innovation of our students. We are proud to showcase their achievements and encourage you to explore their repositories for more insights into their development process.